Privire de ansamblu asupra 3003 Placă de rulare din aluminiu H22

The 3003 Placa de rulare din aluminiu H22 este un produs versatil și durabil, cunoscut pentru rezistența sa excelentă la coroziune, ușoară, și rezistență ridicată. Este utilizat pe scară largă în diverse aplicații, inclusiv pardoseala, paturi de camion, și setări industriale, datorită suprafeței sale rezistente la alunecare și atractivității estetice.

Caracteristici cheie:

  • Aliaj: 3003
  • Temperament: H22
  • finalizarea: Luminos, Diamond Pattern
  • Rezistenta la coroziune: Ridicat
  • Rezistenţă: Bun
  • Lucrabilitate: Excelent
  • Sudabilitate: Bun
  • Greutate: Ușoare

Common Applications:

  • Paturi pentru camioane
  • Pardoseli industriale
  • Trepte de scară
  • Cutii de scule
  • Rampe
  • Pasarele


Material Composition and Properties

The 3003 aliaj is composed of aluminum, manganese, and trace elements, providing a balanced mix of strength and formability. The H22 temper indicates that the material has been strain-hardened and partially annealed, giving it a unique combination of hardness and ductility.

Element Conţinut (%)
Aluminiu 96.7 – 99 %
Mangan 1.0 – 1.5
Cupru 0.05 – 0.20
Siliciu 0.6 max
Fier 0.7 max
Zinc 0.1 max
Alte, each <= 0.05 %
Alte, total <= 0.15 %

Proprietăți mecanice

Proprietate Valoare
Rezistență la tracțiune 130 – 200 MPa
Puterea de curgere 120 MPa
Elongaţie 8 – 10%
Duritatea Brinell 40 HB
Densitate 2.73 g/cm³
Punct de topire 655°C

The 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plate offers a good balance of tensile strength and elongation, making it suitable for various bending and forming operations. Its high corrosion resistance makes it ideal for use in harsh environments, such as marine or outdoor applications.

Surface Finish and Appearance

The tread plate’s bright finish and diamond pattern enhance its appearance and functionality. The raised diamond pattern not only provides a non-slip surface but also adds to the material’s visual appeal. This makes it a popular choice for decorative applications as well as functional ones.

Finisaje de suprafață

Finish Type Descriere
Finisaj strălucitor Reflective, shiny surface
Finisare moara Standard, slightly rough surface
Brushed Finish Smooth, satin-like surface

The bright finish of the 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plate is particularly sought after for applications where aesthetics are as important as functionality. It is commonly used in interiors of trailers, decorative trims, and kick plates.


Applications and Uses

Industrial Flooring and Stair Treads

The 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plate is an excellent choice for industrial flooring and stair treads due to its durability and slip resistance. The raised diamond pattern provides additional traction, reducing the risk of slips and falls in high-traffic areas.

Truck Beds and Toolboxes

In the automotive industry, particularly in truck beds and toolboxes, cel 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plate is valued for its lightweight yet strong construction. It can withstand heavy loads and resist wear and tear, making it a reliable material for these demanding applications.

Ramps and Walkways

The non-slip surface of the 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plate makes it ideal for ramps and walkways, especially in environments where safety is a concern. Its corrosion resistance ensures longevity even in outdoor or marine settings.

Decorative and Architectural Applications

Beyond its functional uses, cel 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plate is also popular in decorative and architectural applications. Its bright finish and patterned surface are used in wall panels, ceilings, and various interior design elements, adding a modern and industrial touch to spaces.

Advantages of 3003 Placă de rulare din aluminiu H22

Rezistenta la coroziune

One of the standout features of the 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plate is its excellent corrosion resistance. This makes it an ideal choice for use in environments exposed to moisture, chimicale, or harsh weather conditions.

Lightweight and Strong

Despite being lightweight, cel 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plate offers good strength, making it easy to handle and install without compromising durability. This balance of weight and strength is particularly beneficial in transportation and construction industries.

Easy to Work With

The 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plate is easy to cut, îndoi, and weld, making it a versatile material for various fabrication processes. Whether you’re creating custom parts or large-scale installations, this material adapts well to different manufacturing techniques.

Aesthetic Appeal

With its bright, reflective finish and diamond pattern, cel 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plate is not only functional but also visually appealing. This makes it a popular choice for applications where both performance and appearance are important.


The 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plate is a cost-effective solution for many applications. It offers a good balance of properties at an affordable price, making it accessible for both small and large projects.

Comparison with Other Aluminum Tread Plates

Proprietate 3003 H22 6061-T6 5052-H32
Rezistenta la coroziune Ridicat Bun Excelent
Rezistenţă Moderat Ridicat Moderat
Greutate Ușoare Ușoare Ușoare
Lucrabilitate Excelent Bun Excelent
Sudabilitate Bun Excelent Bun
Cost Moderat Higher Moderat

Compared to other aluminum tread plates like 6061-T6 și 5052-H32, cel 3003 H22 offers excellent corrosion resistance and workability at a lower cost. While it may not be as strong as 6061-T6, it is more than adequate for most applications and is easier to form and weld.

Technical Specifications and Availability

La Huawei Aluminiu, we offer 3003 H22 Aluminum Tread Plates in various sizes and thicknesses to meet the specific needs of our customers. Below are the standard dimensions available:

Standard Sizes

Grosime (inches) Lăţime (inches) Lungime (inches)
0.063 48 96
0.125 48 120
0.190 48 144

Custom Sizes

We also provide custom sizes and finishes to cater to unique project requirements. Our team is equipped to handle special requests, ensuring you get the exact product you need for your application.