Desenli alüminyum levhanın hafif olması gibi birçok avantajı vardır., güzel görünüm, uzun hizmet ömrü, asit ve alkali korozyon direnci, ve geri dönüştürülebilirlik. Günümüzde en önemli desenli tabak türü haline gelmiştir.. Desenli alüminyum levhaların ana sınıfları şunlardır: 1060, 3003, 5052, 5083, 6061, vb. Aralarındaki temel farklar aşağıdaki gibidir:

1060 desenli alüminyum levha

1060 pattern aluminum plate belongs to pure aluminum plate, the production technology is simple and mature, and the price is the cheapest among all pattern aluminum plates. Correspondingly, its hardness and strength are also low, and it is mainly used for anti-skid of buses and elevators.

desenli alüminyum levha

3003 desenli alüminyum levha

3003 pattern aluminum plate belongs to aluminum-manganese alloy plate, and its hardness and strength are higher than that of pure aluminum plate. The most notable feature of 3003 patterned aluminum plate is its excellent anti-rust performance. Because it can effectively resist the corrosion of water vapor, it is mostly used for cold storage floors. fiyat açısından, Fiyatı 3003 pattern aluminum plate is higher than that of 1060 aliminyum tabak.

5052 desenli alüminyum levha

5052 ve 5083 patterned aluminum plates belong to aluminum-magnesium alloy plates, and their performance is better than that of 1060 ve 3003 patterned plates. Ships, yachts, vb., corroded by seawater. fiyat açısından, Fiyatı 5052 pattern aluminum plate is higher than that of 1060 ve 3003, which belongs to the high-end product in pattern aluminum plate.

6061 desenli alüminyum levha

The price of 6061 pattern aluminum plate is the highest among all pattern aluminum plates. Similarly, its hardness, strength, rust resistance and corrosion resistance are also the best. In special anti-skid application environments, such as suspension, high acid and alkali corrosion, vb., for the safety of relevant operators, the performance requirements of the patterned aluminum plate are extremely high, which is the place where the 6061 patterned aluminum plate shows its strength. Also because the application environment is the worst, the thickness of the 6061 patterned aluminum plate is also higher than that of other patterned aluminum plates.